Friday, March 13, 2020

Getting Out and About

It’s a beautiful day so why not get out and about in Kensington, Brooklyn?  Get rid of some of your tension and head out for a beautiful hike around some local neighborhoods.

There are a variety of local companies offering guided hiking trails including Gray Fox Guiding, Salt Marsh Trails, and Dead Horse Bay.  Book these and enjoy an opportunity to bike, hike and even do some yoga.  Check out Marine Park with the family.  Kids can see all different types of birds, crabs and tons of wildlife; parents can go hiking and grandparents can just relax in the sun at this waterfront park.

For a really challenging hike there is the outstanding Williamsburg Bridge Pedestrian Path.  Allegedly designed with inspiration from the Eiffel Tower, the bridge is one of the longest suspension bridges in the world and one of the last ones that was built to be used by horse and carriage.