Saturday, June 18, 2011

Energy Deregulation Gives New Yorkers Freedom of Choice

For many Kensington, Brooklyn residents, deregulation of the utility monopoly was fraught with confusion and misunderstanding. But there is no need for this distress. Deregulation was a hard won achievement for ordinary citizens which introduced competition into the energy supply sector, and in the case of supplying our electricity and natural gas, competition is good.

Competition helps keep prices down and service quality up.

In Brooklyn there are several energy suppliers of electricity and natural gas to choose from, including:
·         IDT Energy
·         Columbia Utilities      1-877-7-COLUMBIA   (1-877-726-5862)
·         Energetix                     1-800-544-0182
For a complete list of suppliers go to this link:
For a clear discussion of what energy deregulation is and how it can help you to save money,  watch the video below: