The first meeting of the 2009 new year of the Albemarle Neighborhood Association will be held on Thursday, April 23rd, 2009 (that's tomorrow! - Ed.) at the Flatbush & Shaare Torah jewish Center, 327 East 5th Street (corner Church Avenue). The meeting begins at 7pm sharp (ends 9pm sharp).Thanks for the info, Gary.
Assoication elections are on the list of things to be done; two of the executive board postions are vacant, and a third would like to be.
Nominations of anyone else wanting to run for office will be taken from the floor. Prior to that, contact the ANA president, Larry Jayson, at the Brooklyn Housing & Family Services (which he also runs) (718-435-7585) if you wish to run.
Events that took place during the winter, and future plans for the organization will be discussed.
Foodtown, as during the past year, will supply refreshments for the meeting.
Anyone and everyone is welcome to attend.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
First 2009 meeting of the ANA
Gary via the Facebook Group writes: