Thursday, December 4, 2008

Ask Kensington: How safe is the 18th Ave F stop?

We've been getting some questions in our inbox over the past week or so that we probably aren't the most qualified to answer. We're hoping you can provide some insight to others in the community. So here's looking at you in our first installment of Ask Kensington.

April from Bushwick asks:
I am really struggling with a decision about where to move and am looking for advice on whether living on Ocean Parkway and 18th ave is ok. I live in Bushwick now so don’t expect perfect safety. I’m just wondering what the F train at 18th ave is like during normal times of day on into the evening around 11pm.
Sound off in the comments section and help a fellow Brooklynite out.

Update: April has decided to move to the area. "Thanks for responding! It is so hard moving into a brand new neighborhood, but I like what I see so far."