As you might have heard, the Kensington (Brooklyn) blog has changed hands. Some of you may know us from the Kensington Facebook Group we started last year, and now we've been given the chance to mind the store here at the blog for a while. The new address for submissions, requests, and queries is

A blog like this can't work without contributions from the readers. No tidbit is too small. If you know of something taking place in the neighborhood, it is your duty as a citizen or near-citizen to inform us. If you see someone spray-painting 'Vegeta" on the side of Gyro King, you should take a picture and send it to us BEFORE calling the cops. If you're having people over for fondue, contact us immediately, although I think we're busy that night.
One of the best parts of this blog is the very active and colorful comments section under each post. We have no plans to change this. Please continue posting frequently and under multiple names to give the illusion of strength in numbers. You're free to say anything you want as long as it's not about cheap v1agra.
In short, the only thing that is changing here is the volume, content, and tone of posts, plus a complete aesthetic overhaul.
I think we all owe a thanks to the previous operator, Jen, for all the hard work she put into keeping this blog going for almost two years now. We hope she'll continue to contribute content in one form or another in the months and years to come.