Monday, January 21, 2008

WTA announces Parking Forum

From WT Alliance:
There has been a movement in some parts of Brooklyn west of Windsor Terrace (like Park Slope, Brooklyn Heights, and similar neighborhoods.) to push for residential parking permits for their neighborhoods. Unfortunately, these neighborhoods are more vocal than Kensington and Windsor Terrace and as a result, there is growing concern that these Park Slope, etc. neighborhoods might get such permits. The potential affect of this is it could turn Kensington and Windsor Terrace into parking lots. This would especially apply to anyone living near a subway stop or an express bus. We already have a big "park and ride" problem in Windsor Terrace and residents of Kensington tell horror stories of looking for a parking spot there.
There is a forum coming up on Feb. 4 on residential parking which is being supported by groups from the neighborhoods who are pushing for such permits, as well as several elected officials, at least one of whom has openly advocated for permits for his neighborhoods. The Commissioner of the NYC Dept. of Transportation is also scheduled to attend.
We wanted to get the word out to people in Kensington to come to this meeting if they have an opinion on this issue. It seems that other people are making decisions for residents of Kensington and Windsor Terrace and these decisions may not be the best for us. Please pass this info on to people you know.
Residential Parking Forum
Mon. Feb. 4 at 7:00 p.m.
St. Francis College Auditorium (on Remsen Street, Brooklyn Heights)
Subway: 2, 3, 4, or 5 to Borough Hall; R to Court St.