At the toddler story time on Tuesdays, there is usually a crowd. The librarian hands out tickets before the event. If you don't get a ticket, there's no guarantee that you'll be able to take part, but you can usually snag a place in the back after all the ticket holders go inside. However, over the course of this season's session, the crowd has grown and grown. (I'm sure it's because Miss Cindy is so darn entertaining.) Last week the tickets ran out twenty minutes before the start time, and unhappy nannies and moms were complaining, sneaking into line, and generally causing a ruckus. Today, thinking ahead, my son and I got there a half hour before the doors opened. (That in itself is crazy. I haven't had to get somewhere a half hour ahead of time since I last went to the movies in Manhattan.) We got a ticket. We were lucky, because at the door to the classroom, the librarian had recruited a police officer--in uniform and everything--to take the tickets. When the tickets ran out, no one else got in. I'm not sure if the sergeant was hired specifically for story time, but he was definitely policing the affair. I found it hilarious that a simple thing like library toddler hour could require crowd control.
(Thanks for the update S!)
It's obvious from the popularity of the WT library's story time that this neighborhood could use a few more child-friendly gathering places. We've heard from many parents in the neighborhood about the concern of lack of activities nearby as the days get colder. We need something here for the growing contingent of yuppies and hipsters (we're being honest although we know these terms can elicit a tisk or two! But seriously what other term unifies us?). Regardless, any suggestions for cold day activities besides the library or a nieghbor's apt/ house?