About a week and a half ago we got to meet Lumi from
No Land Grab. We were surprised she'd care about little 'ole Kensington but made a good point. Basically she noted that the area is primed for development. And she followed with something we've thought all along... because we get so little press or attention here there is also the potential for a bit of development abuse. Of course, we're in the mist of some major development and couldn't help to think how right she was! Take for instance the building rising next to the Kensington Stables. Recently we
posted a piece from the Brooklyn Paper on how the horses are becoming well sort of, crazy with all the noise and commotion. We don't blame them, we can't imagine living next door to this noisy mess. Anyway, it just got us thinking we need to be more proactive with this development stuff. So, anyone got any developments to watch?