There are probably some of you out there who wonder why we continue to post this info. Honestly, because we think something happening here is not on the up and up. Explain to us why on a quiet residential street cars and mini-vans (without license plates and scratched off VIN numbers) are allowed to park day after day with no consequence? Here's what we found today:
1. Six vehicles parked in front of 58 Church Ave with no plates or out of state plates (pictured above)
2. A white mini-van and grey Camry on Story St. (no plates, no VINs)
3. A beige Chevrolet parked at the intersection of 36th St & Church Ave (no plates, didn't check VIN)
4. Various vehicles without plates in front of the 'auto' shops at 45 and 49 Church Ave. (didn't check VINs)