We learned a lot today from our meeting with de Blasio's representative Tom Gray and a big one was the DOE Fund placement of Ready Willing and Able workers on Church Ave. We haven't been super happy with the nabe's representation but learned many community leaders and de Blasio supported Ready, Willing and Able coming to Church Ave instead of 7th Ave in nearby Park Slope.
In case you haven't noticed workers from RWA have been coming out on Saturday's to sweep and clean the sidewalks of Church Ave. We think it's made a HUGE difference and love the program here. Unfortunatly, the program ends at the end of this year and there is nothing yet in place to ensure it continues on Church Ave in '08.
Fortunatly, there is something we can all do! Email the founder of RWA, George McDonald, here and tell him how happy you are with the services they are providing to our community. Also email de Blasio (deblasio@council.nyc.ny.us) and tell him you want the program to continue here in 08. Support the cleanliness of Church Ave by helping our local representatives justify its funding in 08!