We try to stay hip to the happenings in and around the hood. We tend to notice lots of press on so called gentrifying "affordable" neighborhoods in Brooklyn that include us, Prospect Lefferts Gardens and well us and PLG. (Sorry but we just don't think a $1 million dollar brownstone in WT keeps out enough riff raff and those "Victorian" homes are obviously a bitch to heat). We keep tabs on the hood mainly b/c we know Mark and some of his buds from PLUS (Prospect Lefferts United for Services) have been organized for awhile now and like to know what is next and basically what we can emulate. Well today we saw this....Get Down and Dirty on Lincoln Road.
PLUS (and PLG residents) organized a planting event... We want a planting event, someone organize a freakin' planting event!!!! All of you people who said you wanted a greener Kensington well by gosh DO SOMETHING! We're in the mist of trying to get a tree and graffiti survey (and form sign up) thing to happen on Church, as well as keeping this damn blog going, and calling the parks department about maybe getting some evening events at Greenwood Playground. (Yes, we ARE patting ourselves on the back as we write this). Kensingtonians this is to you - don't just comment, organize to re-vitalize.
*Email us (kensingtonbrooklyn@gmail.com) if you want help organizing or the people to contact. And just so you know, we'd like to beautify Church Ave.(b/w Ocean Pkwy & McDonald). It needs it and there are plenty of empty tree 'spots' as well as the little dead one you see above in front of Friendlys.